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Old 08-26-2021, 07:39 PM
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drivejunk drivejunk is offline
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Springdale, AR USA
Posts: 243

Thanks for the replies. I could tell the guy no and explain why its likely to turn out shaped like a banana. Just wanting to get a feel for general opinion of whether trying is a mistake.

I have considered the suggestion in the illustration but seamless is the key word. I might be most inclined to bond rather than weld, if "with small, pretty seam" will suffice. Perhaps to plug welded strips so the fill panel's edge could be beveled for the smallest seam.

But I don't want to resist the request if most other guys would agree to try it. Rough guessing... if I do this, with tubs, its going to mean about five meters of weld on each panel.

What I can gather from responses thus far is that the wall is in greater peril than the rail. I would guess that the rail would be more sensitive than the wall and much tougher if not impossible to correct.
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